I had booked tickets for my parents, wife and 2 year old son from Delhi to Kanpur, 5 weeks in advance. Price was good no doubt.
I called up Air Deccan 3 days before the travel to make sure everything was right, they told me that Delhi Kanpur flight is discontinued, no reason given. I was surprised because there was no information to me. My family was actually traveling from Pune to Delhi and then Delhi to Kanpur so the whole itinerary got messed up.
I asked them to convert Delhi Kanpur to Delhi Lucknow but they said it couldnt be done, it had to be fresh booking and I had to pay more for that.
Cheap ticket is fine but you may land up paying more becasue airline doesnt care about the customer even if it is there fault. I had to pay extra for converting sector as well as travel cost between Lucknow to Kanpur.
It turned out to be costier in the end. I had good experience with others, in case of delay of connection miss airlines usually take care of the arranging alternate routes and food/accomodations etc for no extra cost.
The best was Air Sahara, I had a connection miss in Delhi last year becasue of delayed arrival, they booked me in earliest availble flight (Indian Airlines), took care of lunch and accomodation etc.