Its speaks great to undergo change ...Change for betterment ...wise Nobles do it that way..
I followed the oriental Royal English proverb .. ..
Realised ..much later that English have left Indian Subcontinent over half a century ago -
and so have Perished and succumbed their Proverbs--Adverbs and all VERBS...
Verbs of Punctuality /Courtesey / and all those beautiful things read and said in the great best sellers of Barbar Cartland...
Does any State Authority ever tests the Professional Horror-scope of an aspiring player in
Passenger Air Travel=No ..B coz they State Authorities are GROUNDED.... test facilities are3 not up the mark.
Well , well.. then its just a game of
acquiring a Licence to Fly ..
Lease Hold a few nicely Airconditioned Air Flying Crafts ...
Hire a herd of Fired Employees of Progressive Airlines;
Install Mobile Wheeled shoppe in Fleet Street style in Corridors of the Craft and .....
Here we go ...............Air Daccan...
Oiffer Blue Line Bus fares to Men & women in Blue , Black or White in Blue Mood and take off to give them a Bolt from the Blue ride --
Airline says mutely:
Mind you "the Flagship color code is Already Blue -"
We make many sacrifices to remain in Air Map=
Sacrifice --Courtesies; Attequetes; Customer care; Food care (even Paid ones)
Baggage care
And the best performance is in Worst Sanitary care
Hey ...Gentlemen.... please.....Gentlemen...Anybody listening ..Well ..well ..Gentlemen..
There seems to be No One Listening while I travelled thrice and .... ...and finally called it a day with Air Daccan ...!!!!!!!!