Thats what air deccan means....
Well you save 600- 1000 Rs on flights & you pay for that with having being serverd by hostesses who look like highschool children & cant read their lines properly , be it Hindi or English. So much for the cabin crew...
The ground crew should be given lessons on " etiquette, responsibility and courteousness". Well... it must be wrong to expect more for so less.
and hey! their policy of advancing flights, thats the epitomic Madness! What else can be said of a system that advances a flight 3 hours before its departure and sends you a SMS saying the same at 3 am in the morning. Dont they know the meaning of SLEEP ?
Ah! I guess they dont ...must be on their heels trying to escape the brickbats thrown at them by their invaluable yet invariably disregarded customers.
and having said all this..Idont want to CRIB......I get only for what I pay...
The only strategy I find safe - AVOID using them .. or ACCEPT the levels of service.