"Beggars cannot be choosers". This is what comes to my mind when it comes to Air Deccan. They treat their customers as one.
My flight from Bangalore to Chennai on 11th june 2006, DN131 was an horrible experience. After a delay of 1 hr, we where asked to board the flight and we where locked up in the flight for about 1 hr without AC or ventilation. After which we were let out like a bunch of herd stating that the flight is cancelled or may be re-scheduled.
The staffs at Air Deccan are well trained liars, since they deal with the same situation in every second flight. One of my friends toddler fell sick since, there was lack of oxygen and was highly nausiated and was medicaly treated the next day.
Finally we had to board Air Sahara at 11.00 P.M for a much higher price and reach Chennai at 12.00 p.m.
I had written to them wherein I had received a standard reply. Which I implied that it is very common and they copy paste the same message to almost all the 5th passenger who travels by this airline.
I persume that they over load their journey with too many routes and it almost operates like a private bus covering as many shuttles a possible and when the last flight is been made for the day the plane is unfit to fly. I am only worried about 1000s of people who fly this unsafe aircraft.
I am surprised that how people have invested money in a company that has an uncertain service levels.