I have been reading so many reviews on Air Deccan in almost every blog site there is! I think most of us over-react to situations - good or bad. While its true that Air Deccan leaves a lot wanting with their service, you must also take a look at what other airlines are doing. And, also do not forget how much you pay!
I have travelled in Indian Airlines to Singapore - where they dont serve coffee, not even an english language newspaper. The flight attendants in Indian Airlines are atleast a few notches below average. I have seen the flight attendants literally shouting at a passenger for pressing the help button.
I am not trying to say that because Indian does it, we should allow Air Deccan to do it! Thats not the point. Air Deccan has the credit of starting this revolution in India. The "other" low cost airlines like Go, IndiGo or SpiceJet, whether they accept it or not, owe their existence to this revolution started by Air Deccan.
I have travelled on Air Deccan many times and I have mixed feelings about this airline. They have been good sometimes and very bad sometimes. When they are bad, I have written an email to Capt Gopi directly and gotten his response. Try that with Air India or Indian!
Yes, Air Deccan is bad. They have not invested in their computer systems as other airlines. They dont serve good food, their staff are rude sometimes. These can be fixed. I think Air Deccan must be made to realize that cheap is not everything. But, think of the alternative. I have paid Rs. 11000 one-way from Bangalore to Delhi, for nothing. But, now we atleat have an option. While we must condemn Air Deccan for their pitfalls, we must also thank them for brining air travel within the reach of the common man.
I only say, let us encourage them and when they falter, condemn them so that they improve.