Frankly, I watch all the soaps on zee tv except for Sarkar. I havent started watching that yet. Sinndoor was looking interesting so I began watching it. but now, events are taking such a turn that I cant help but be disappointed. so far, those who have watched it know that Vedika has found her long-lost love, Suraj. and on the other hand, Niharikas lover Rahul has agreed to marry Tara. First of all, which husband in his right mind would encourage his wife to go look for her ex lover??? Agreed that when Vedika married him, she was not in her senses. But that doesnt give her any excuse to go frolicking after her long lost love and expect Dhruv to help her (which he does, by the way.) Dhruvs character in this show is admirable. He is handsome, kind and smart. what more could a girl want? yet Vedika seems blind to all this and continued to thrive on her long lost love, Suraj, who by the way disappeared 3 yrs ago and never did reappear until Vedika saw him by accident, while HE was getting married to someone else. Right now Vedika is hesitating. she suddenly keeps thinking of Dhruv. why this fickle-mindedness?? for the past few episodes we have seen Vedika pining for suraj, and now why is she suddenly pining for dhruv? looks like she cant make up her mind at all. and these 2 men are patiently waiting for her. Niharika, on the other hand, is being a conniving woman. one good thing abt this show is that at least their villains are doing something for the good of the family, that is, Titli and her son Anurag. they are trying to find out Niharikas asliyat and show it to Kavita Raizada. basically, this whole show is turning out to be a joke. a big joke on the Raizada Khandan, where 2 ordinary girls come and play around with the sons lives, and now another guy coming to play with the daughters life. I applaud the honesty with which Vedika has told dhruv abt Suraj, but that is definitely no excuse for hurting him.if dhruv can leave arti for vedika, im sure she can do the same for him.
anyway, the forthcoming episodes contain more twists which im not sure many viewers would want to see. I wouldnt, thats for sure.