Place : Fukuoka International Airport
Instance : Flight was overbooked
Scene : I reach late to the airport !!
Reason : Heavy traffic
Result : I cannot fly.
i was very politely asked to wait. It is always very embarrassing for any airline when the flight is over-booked and they have to tell the passengers that they cannot fly even if they have confirmed ticket.
i was aware that as per the airline rules they will have to give me free 5 star accommodation and free transport to the hotel if I am asked to fly on the next flight. I was never in a hurry and I liked the idea of staying in a 5 star hotel in Fukuoka (3rd largest city of Japan).
there was a very serious discussion betwen the ground staff and the airlne manager. The manager approached me after 15 minutes and apologized to me for the situation. He then told me that he was extremely sorry and if it was okay if he upgraded me to 1st class. so I had an option of flying first class or staying in a 5 star hotel. I chose the first one in a manner that I was obliging the airline. they felt relieved and happy about my decision.
Till that day, my knowledge about any airline was restricted to economy class and business class. I discovered that there is also a category called first class...where I got the seat. it was heavenly and I never wanted the flight to land. first class seats are on the first level of the aircaft and you have to take stairs to go there. technically we were above the pilot. now that was something I never expected.
i was looking down (pun unintended) at the business class passengers and I felt great. now this is what I can call luxury unlimited. there are only 5-6 wide (REALLY WIDE) first class seats and each seat has a personal hostess.
the most difficult to behave as if you are a regular first class traveler as the cabin crew is not aware about the upgradation that takes place at the airprot. all the other people are in grey suits while you are in your jeans and t-shirt and all of then are reading financial times of which you understand nothing.
the fun begins wneh the hostess comes with a champagne menu. even though I tried my level best but swear to god...none of the names were familiar..i could not even pronounce it. so I asked my hostess as which was her favourite. she suggested something and went for that. meals were not a problem as I had mentioned hindu vegetarian meal while booking the ticket. I had option of 2 different meals on the vegetarian menu. I got piping hot extremely delicious north indian food from soup to gulab jamun !!! I just do not have words to describe the excellent taste.
the hostess then personally comes and talks all the guests and asks for suggestions. I had none. and believe me tha have some of the best air hostesses in the world - slim and doll like.
10 points for the airline....and given a choice I will alsways fly singapore ailines and if I can afford I will always fly first class.
and the moral of the story......always reach late to the airport.