Over the last 15 years, I have travelled quite extensively and have used various international airlines including Swiss, KLM, Air France, Lufthansa, BA, American Air, Continental, Delta, Qantas, Malaysian, Thai, China Air, SIlk Air etc. but Singapore Airlines stands out as the best. In all these years, I have not had one unpleasant experience with this Airline.
The class of an airline truly shows on the long haul flights. Normally we find flight attendants on airlines like BA, KLM, Lufthansa getting edgy towards the end of a long haul flight and they begin to snap. However, with Singapore Airlines, they are very patient with the passengers (who themselves get quite edgy on a long haul flight) and see to it that their requests are met in the best possible manner.
I have once flown from San Francisco to Singapore with an hours stop over at Hong Kong (for a clean-up). That was a really long flight - almost 18 hours in total. No doubt they did have an additional crew set on board for this long flight but the way they handled the passengers was marvelous.
This particular flight was very noisy (the people on board were making all the noise) and passengers were very demanding and many wanted to change seats to be with their travelling companions while some otehrs were not in an accommodating mood.
It was classic to see how well the attendants resolved the issues - believe me it was not very easy but it was done very well. I give this airline a big thumbs up. I do agree with one of the previous reviewers that the seating space is quit small for a big person but then I am not very big myself so I have no big complaints on that count.