Ive lived there for 2 years on 2 seperate occassions. The country works like clockwork. If you want to go from one end of the country to the other, you can time yourself to 60 seconds! The train WILL arrive at its designated time, the next train WILL arrive after exactly 3 minutes, it WILL reach its destination at the designated time; no delays, no breakdowns, no excuses!
If office starts at 9:00 AM, everyones in by 8:45 AM, and start work on the dot.
Its a country when everything works, there are no morchas, no stikes, no go-slows, no nothing. If you work there, your productivity will increase by atleast 50%. You dont know what youre capable of unless youve worked there!
Quality of life is very high. Good food, good fun, good entertainment, good everything. Excellent public transport system. Downside is that for us Indians, everything seems expensive. Even the bus-fare!
As a short holiday destination, its tops. Especially Sentosa, Jurong Bird Park, etc. And full value-for-money.
Well, even paradise has to have its down-side (?). The people are robotic, extremely materialistic, money-minded, and introverts. Social life amongst Indians is good, but nowhere as good as in India. If youre sick, youre alone. If youre poor, youre alone. Oh yes, that reminds me, the hospitals are terrific; the doctors are not! Indian docs here in India are much better!
Im trying to get myself a good job there. Would like to live there forever.