There are two questions that need answers, after youve watched Singh is Bliing — what the hell does Akshay Kumar eat for breakfast to fuel the insane energy he brings onscreen and where was Lara Dutta hiding her comedic talent all these years?
Singh is Bliings opening credits roll against a remixed version of Sneha Khanwalkars fantastically peppy "Tung Tung". We see a delirious Kumar cracking out bhangra moves with such gusto that you might just feel your muscles ache on his behalf. Theres only one word to describe Kumars performance as Raftaar Singh: octane.
Whether hes being the stereotypical empty-headed sardar or busting out dance moves or fighting bad guys, his energy is phenomenal. Kumar is proof that ageing is a wondrous thing. He didnt have even a fraction of this onscreen charm when he was in the prime of his youth. Its not just that Kumar looks infinitely better — the death of the Nineties mullet has been a boon in many heroes lives — but as a grizzled older man, hes also commanding the screen with far more confidence and grace than he did before.
Kumar plays Raftaar Singh, a good-for-nothing Punjabi lad whose chief qualification is that hes mommas boy. Raftars father has a friend in Goa who runs a casino. When Raftaar takes Rs 50, 000 from his fathers cupboard without permission, his dad tells Raftaar that hes got to grow up. How? By marrying an overweight village belle or going to work in Goa. Does this make logical sense? Of course not. But if youve come to see Singh is Bliing with expectations of realism, youre more of an idiot than Raftaar, who lives up to the stereotype of sardars being loyal, bhangra-powered, lovable fools.
In Goa, Raftaar meets a woman who is more than his match. Sara(Amy Jackson) is an arms dealers daughter who catches the eye of deranged gangster Mark(Kay Kay Menon). What better way to deal with an insane Indo-Romanian stalker than to chill out in Goa, at her dads friends bungalow? Raftaar is appointed as Saras chaperone in Goa. She doesnt speak Hindi. He doesnt speak English. Enter Lara Dutta as the translator, Emily(whom Raftaar and his friends call "imli". Naturally).
Adding heft to the theory that ageing can work wonders is Dutta. On thewrong side of her thirties, Dutta is a revelation in Singh is Bliing. She looks great, even when shes wearing blindingly bad outfits, and milks comedy from practically every moment she has onscreen. Over-the-top moments that should make us cringe and groan become cute and giggle-worthy, simply because of Duttas fine performance.
When Kumar and Dutta come together in the "Dil Kare Chu Che" — a rare example of a song that is actually connected to the plot instead of being generic — its so funny that this reviewer started wondering whether director Prabhudheva has found ways of lacing popcorn.
Prabhudevas last film was the putrid pimple of human endeavour titled Action Jackson. Aside from its ridiculous script, deafening soundtrack and terrible acting performances, Action Jackson was also jaw-droppingly misogynist. One womans role was to roam around three-quarters naked, for no reason other than to titillate the audience. Another woman existed in the film only to get beaten up. The third was an idiot.
From the director who made that film, you do not expect a follow-up in which the women characters really are heroines. Singh is Bliing may be Kumars film through and through, but he is ably supported by Rati Agnihotri as his stay-at-home mum, Dutta as the goofy translator and Jackson as the nut-busting Sara. Women blow each other up, stick up for one another and even behave like normal human beings from time to time. In a Prabhudheva film, this is downright shocking.
Its almost as though Singh is Bliing is Prabhudhevas attempt to redeem himself after all the criticism that was(rightly) chucked at him for Action Jackson. Singh is Bliing pokes fun at the male ego again and again. Women take charge smoothly and dont need men to save the day until the very end, when the alpha rises.(Lets not forget this is commercial cinema, after all.) Still, for the bulk of Singh is Bliing, the men are the losers, but they think theyre macho and thats the source of many of the films gags.
Jacksons Sara is a ninja warrior who can pummel a legion of men — including an Indian Khal Drogo lookalike named Boxer, who wears a locket with a boxer dogs face. In case he forgets his name, perhaps? — without smudging her makeup. Raftaar, on the other hand, spends most of the film getting beaten up. Dutta runs circles around the men and has a wonderful sleepwalking interlude. Ladies, let us a raise a glass of tender coconut water to the actresses, Prabhudheva and Grazing Goat Pictures, who are credited with having scripted Singh is Bliing.
It isnt particularly comforting to see the writing credit go to a company. Creative ideas are rarely churned out on an assembly line and its a shame that the humans responsible for the onscreen fun of Singh is Bliing have to be reduced to Grazing Goat. That said, there isnt much by way of a plot or storytelling in this film. Its essentially a set of well-written comic sketches, featuring recurring characters. Theres nothing evolved or sophisticated about this film, but that doesnt mean its not worth a watch. Singh is Bliing is — and it might be just what the doctor ordered to lift your spirits after watching Talvar.