I had joined Sinhal classes in the year 2002-2003 for my HSC exams .The classes start during the christmas leave and within 6 -7 months they finish off the syllabus.A few things I want everyone to know about Sinhal Classes
1.The faculty at this place sucks .Out of 50 Professors only 1 or 2 will be good and there are pretty less chances that they will be teaching at ur branch
2.The Classroom s*cks .. no place to sit .. on a bench of 6, 8 students sits . They dont even care that students have to sit for 8 hrs so atleast they need comfortable seats
3.During my year, the ACs were useless, we were made to sit in a closed classroom with no fans and then they expect us to concentrate on the lectures
4.They will never tell you which lecture will happen at what time, for that they need a letter from ur parents that they have no objections .
5.They have a horrible admin staff.Most of them cant even speak English properly
6.Ur not allowed to wear shorts, 3/4ths ...i mean tats horrible , its not a school or a college
All the students going for this classes , I would suggest that ul better sit at home and study or rather join some better classes