I totally agree with Dr. Rachna. I have never seen a more unprofessional and arrogant person. Though Dr. Shyam Agarwal charged Rs. 1000 as his consultation fee, he did not talk properly and it seemed that he was doing some kind of charity.
My aunt has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and its in the 4th stage. But Dr. Shyam said that there is 80% chance that she will be cured and per chemo my expense would be around Rs. 25, 000/-.
He said that he will start chemo after two days and gave me a number and told me to purchase the chemo medicine from that number.
When I called that number that person said said that medicine costs Rs. 16, 000/-, but when I inquired in the market the same medicine was available for just Rs. 7, 400/-. He threw away that PET CT report and said that this report is not required to detect cancer.
Thank god some suggested AIIMS and now she is undergoing treatment there. Doctors like Shyam Agarwal are murderers who consider money above everything else. He might be a very big doctor, but to me he is nothing more than a murderer. MCI should bar persons like him from practicing. I am very disappointed and saddened that we are living in a world where people like Dr. Shyam Agarwal are living. God will definitely punish him.