I agree completely that sir ganga ram hospital is a hospital not for saving life of your loved ones.
When my father was admitted to this hospital, my family was told that "we can give you in written that he would be alright, all we need is 4-5 days, it is just viral fever". Result- zero. I lost my dad. Its nothing but total negligence on part of doctors.
My father had viral fever & his platelets count was decreasing. Dr POOJA KHOSLA took the case and assured us that everything will be alright. We were told the disease isdengue and next day its not dengue as test is negative. Then Dr Pooja said she had a gut feeling its is some virus like dengue but not dengue and then she went for leave. then another doctor(of sir ganga ram)came telling us it was typhoid, in the evening again it was dengue. so this keep on going and they **couldnt even diagnose, forget about the treatment.
*My father wasnt even provided a catheter, even when there was swelling all over body, ignoring the fact that the patient is really weak, suffering from high fever from past 9 days. he was provided catheter last day before his death when patients family member asked them to provide one, but these doctors wouldnt take a call. We had to literally tell them everything that please put the patient on oxygen. His nails turned blue because of lack of oxygen but these people didnt bother to put him on Oxygen even. we had to ask for oxygen mask.
Blood was taken by two of our family members when his platelet count was 60, 000.but was not given saying we will wait till it drops to 20, 000. whereas it could have been given when count was down to 50, 000. at 27, 000 platelet count there was intestinal bleeding which couldnt be stopped because there were not enough platelets in body which could help in clotting the bleeding. My father requested the doctors to give him platelets transfusion when the count was 30, 000 and said I have a strong feeling that I can recover if you give me platelets now. But they didnt.they were waiting may be the patient will revive of its own.even if his health was deteriorating.
according to them cause of death thromocytopenia ie decreased platelet count.
on top of it Dr pooja later quoted when asked that why did you leave your patient in between like that, she replied, " I knew the patient wasnt going to survive". If they were so sure, I wonder why in the world she didnt thiink of sharing her intuitions with atleast patients family members. are these really doctors? whom we compare to God. in this hospital there is no value of life. Please dont take your loved ones to this hospital for treatment.
When we were doing the final formalities on the last day, there was another family who was literally fighting because they were waiting for dialysis machine from last 7 hours and they were told that it has gone for maintenance. These are the best hospitals of India.
I am updating because I just came to know that the family members who were fighting sir ganga ram hospital officials because of non-availability of dialysis machine expired after 2 hours. It is so unfortunate that because dialysis machine was gone for maintenance it costed the family members the life of their loved one. I wonder how those people will console and forgive themselves for bringing their patient to sir ganga ram hospital. because I cant. Do these hospital people really value a human beings life?