Recently I had gone through the horrifying experience of my uncle admitted to this Hospital whereby he was supposed to be treated with world renouned and top professional doctors like Dr Rana Nephrology and his team.
What I have seen and in my view:
These doctors have only one motto- only serve themselves and s*cking maximum amount of money whatever possible until they finally kill the patient. The patient is dead NOT because of disease but due to their gross negligence. These guys do not work for patient welfare, they come late in ICU, take nice all holidays without slightest care of patients, busy in making their hospitals and political and professional clouts, take mostly wrong+halfhearted and delayed decisions and leave the critically ill patients at the mercy of their inexperienced junior doctors. Most of their junior colleagues(leaving a few like Dr. Ashok is who is comptetent and good) are no different either, In particular Dr Ojha of Nephrology must be totally avoided if you want the patient should live.
There is no fixed time of their visit in ICU(normally 12 Noon plus) is a another joke.
OPD timing(read money time), Night or Weekend visit to ICU even if it is necessary for patient is completely ruled out(except may be for people with strong clouts).
These clever guys know exactly how to handle patient attendant or any one who ask them questions as they are master of talking.
Their terror in medical fraternity is so much that most of other doctor hardly dares to challenge them or comment their shitty treatment and finally the patient pays by huge medical bills and his life.
Even slightly difficult medical case patient mostly loses his life and they blame it to God.
In this hospital Simple cases are made Complicated and Difficult cases results in definite Death of patient but after lakhs/crore of Bills.
If by wish of god a difficult case patient somehow survives they write medical papers and bulletin on him and use for their advertisements.
I am surprised that we are mostly cursing politicians, burocrats, judges, police etc for ill things in our society but no one dares to call up these guys who are no different, may be worst.
Our family have gone through this trauma for 11 days. Also we have been witness to several other patients and their attendants going through the same trauma while waiting in waiting hall.
None of our family have not been absorb such a loss of a patient who was reasonably recovering and we lost him just due to continued negligence of these doctors. It may happen that we may lose even more family members because of this shock.
Recently most of senior doctors were either on official or unofficial leave(only part presence) for three consecutive days(15 to 17 August 2008) leaving their useless, arrogant, egoistic, inexperienced doctors for critically ill patients of ICU . There were more than 5 deaths in just three days in ICU alone.
We were in ICU and saw similar things going with several patients and their relatives
but no one dares to speak against this mafia as they are scared from these highly influential peoples who have good connections all around.
Before anybody would like to support and justify these guys, I would challenge them to admit their ward under these killers and see his fate.
Who says medical profession is a noble profession, Just spend few days Gangaram ICU attendant hall and you would know whats going on in India.
If there is any law of the land these murderers and educated clever dacoits should be punished and given their dues so that other medical fraternity gets a lesson from them.
Anyway if no one Acts, there is still a supreme Almighty Power who is Seeing all of us and Will Act One day.