I have really had enough with Siti Cable. Below is the latest issue. On top of that the complaint website is not working. Your customer service person is refusing to take a complaint on the call because he has made a mistake and is scared of an escalation.
I have paid for the HD package and until a month ago, I was getting all the channels. HBO Hits HD stopped coming and I had to call again and again to get Siti to enable it. Two weeks ago HBO defined HD started coming in Hindi.
Ridiculous! Why would I want an english channel in hindi?! Now HBO Defined HD and HBO Hits HD have stopped since a week. When I called the call center, after talking to multiple foolish people for more than one hour, I was told that those channels are not available for this region and some other nonsense. I was put on hold 100 times and different excuses were given.
Once I was also told that everything is fine and is available ala carte so now I have to pay more than what I had paid for the original HD package. Now the person on the call is lying more and more. He is clearly saying that "he doesnt know what to do because nothing is in his hands".I cannot trust you, your people, and your responses.Is this the way to run a business?