Well... Last Friday and Saturday have been really bad days for me.
Friday... because I watched JBJ.(Read my review on the same).
Saturday... because I watched Sivaji the Boss.
The much hyped Sivaji... with all the big talks behind it... Superstar
Rajini, ace director Shankar, A.R Rehman at the musicians seat....
Audience was forced to believe that its a masterpiece...
But it turned out to be just a glossy version of the numerous illogical
Rajini flicks that people have been tolerating for all these years.
One question I want to ask and it applies to most of the Southie
actors... (Rajini, Chiru, Balakrishna.. and the list goes on.)... Why
cant you age gracefully? At 50+ or 60+ you want to play a 30 year old
hero and romance girls less than half your age... Thats perverted.
Someone argued when I mentioned this point.. that Amitabh romanced Tabu
in Cheeni Kum. But dude.. didnt Amitabh play a 61 year old man in
that. He didnt pretend to be 25.
Coming to Sivaji - the boss. If one removes all the make up that Rajini
has put up, I bet he will reduce atleast 5 kg from his weight.
Remove the wig and there go another 2 kgs.
Same old plot. Hero wants to do good to the society. Baddies oppose.
Hero bashes them all single handedly and wow... we have a over hyped
mediocre movie at our hands. I cant believe Shankar did it.(I actually
liked Anniyan and Nayak).
Well no need to look for performances. Coz once Rajini enters, the
audience will neither let you see anything nor hear anything.
Same Rajini style without any substance or logic. How long will people
bear the idiotic special effects to make believe that Rajini is stylish.
Shriya looks beautiful and definitely is improving as an actress. She
should try to work with actors suitable to her age(I am looking forward
to see her is Awarapan).
Vivek is fabulous... the guy has terrific comic timing..For me he was the saving grace of the movie.
Other actors dont really deserve a mention.
A.R Rehmans music is just average and no tune classifies of the unforgettable variety.
The film has great cinematography sans those stupid special effects showing Rajini as some extra human or some superhero.
Overall, Sivaji is all hype... just a waste of time. If you ought to watch it...watch it for Shriya and Vivek.
I know, the tamilians might just not like the review.. But with all due
respect to my Tamil friends... we all have the right to have an opinion
and express it.
Comments most welcome.