YES, I would say a TREATISE FOR RAJINIFANS, but sadly not a MASTER PIECE
from SHANKAR. A good commercial film that lacked in vision towards the
CLIMAX. The story line follows the erstwhile shankar movies with
the only exemption of blackmoney.Although I should say the movie was a
great entertainer, it lacked in the clarity of message that
shankar emphasises in each one of his movies.For rajini, its a great
comeback with a stunning looks althrough out the film.Special kudos to
VIVEK& SHREYA.Great job done!!!!. Vivek especially this film is a
huge success.
I laughed through out the film and enjoyed it from the
start, but I felt something missing in this film.The bottom line
is a good highly enjoyable, and a very grand movie to watch with a
message in it, a Magnum opus from Rajinikant, but not a one from
shankar.................So friends watch this movie with ur friends and
family, enjoy the day , and try to watch this with ur family!!!!