Well I stay in mumbai and iam not a south indian nor am I a rajni fan. I was told these are the basic qualifications for watching a rajni movie. so may be ppl may not like my review. anyways iam writing this for my other friends like me. i watched the movie with my tamil friend who translated it for me. I am very disappointed to say that the movie is not good.. it was so much hyped up. I am seeing a tamil movie for the first time and had lot of expectations but I was ultimately disappointed.
anyways the plot in short is something like this rajnikanth comes to india with loads of money to do charity work like constructing colleges, hospitals etc. but in the process he faces the local mafia who cheat him of all the money, rajni initially is reluctant go give in but helplessly gets swallowed in the entire scam.. the poor man then again revenges his defeat by teaching the bad guys a lesson.. is this not predictable like the day after the night
Anyways I knw ppl are crazy for rajni and will see anything but this movie really sucks. I honestly feel had this movie been directed by mani rathnam it wud hav been better since I hav seen some of his movies translated in hindi and his direction is really good.