This is a fraud company.
They ask you to pay 450 rs as registration, thinking its just a small amount i paid.
They provided material in Pdf form, i completed even before time.
This lady named diksha Sharma, is so honest that you wont feel its fake. Dont believe, cz she will call you before you call her to make it more believable.
Once you submit the work, she l say their accounts department will call ( she will keep your call on hold and hand over to some other lady whos voice is strong and rude).
Once they call, while on call itself the salary will be in your account.
Then the accounts lady will say to provide anothe account if you have a another account because they are unable to transfer the salary in the given account. Then once you give it, they will say they are facing issue with some TDS, you will have to pay some 5k, once you pay then they l call again and say suddenly their account limit has been changed, unless it is 50k to be transferred they cant transfer any money. Once you transfer the difference they will refund both the amounts to you account. They will send the screenshot of the credited salary too.
Then when you say that u dnt want the salary you just want the amounts you trnasferd they l say it l take 10 days to redund it... (Scammed), and they l say if you dont believe you can keep calling us, everytime you call we will pick up and update the status to you.
You wont get them, their incomming calls will be banned, there is noway you can chase them
Can anyone suggest how to deal with such heartless fraudulent people?