Bad body odor can be quite an embarrassment. Not only an embarrassing factor it is also a health issue to always smell good. On an average, we lose approximately one litre of water through perspiration each day. Perspiration is odorless when it leaves the body. It only begins to emanate bad odor when it comes in contact with the bacteria. Here are some natural tips to keep bad body odor at bay.
1.Use cotton and natural fibres: During summers make special effort to wear cotton clothes. Keep the clothes loose and the fabric light to help sweat to evaporate faster. Cotton breathes and helps keep body odor away.
2.Drink fluids: Drink plenty of water, fruit juices, tender coconut and curd. This cools the body and controls sweating.
3.Good personal hygiene: Always maintain good personal hygiene. Have bath twice a day and dab yourself liberally with talcum powder after bath. Use an antibacterial soap. Put a few drops of lavender oil in your hot water to leave you smelling sweet. Keep your scalp clean. Shampoo your hair three times a week to avoid infections and bad odor.
4.Smelly feet: Shoes and socks also emanate bad ordor. Use cotton socks. Dab some talcum powder on your feet before wearing socks. This helps control odor. Strappy open shoes and sandals help feet to breathe.
5.Yoga and meditation: Stay away from stress. This is one of the reasons for continued sweating which results in bad body odor. Do yoga and meditation to free the mind from stress and strain.
6.Food facts: Eat a balanced diet. Keep spicy food, onion, garlic and ginger to the minimum. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits
7.Launder clothes: Wash clothes often, in warm water with an odor fighting detergent. Never wear used clothes over and over again without washing. Do not wear somebody else?s clothes without washing.
8.Caffeine and alcohol: Limit your coffee and tea to two cups a day. Caffeine stimulates the autonomic nervous system, which regulates sweating. Alcohol increases perspiration by dilating blood vessels and must be reduced to the minimum.
9.Your Medicine chest: some synthetic hormones, oral contraceptives, steroids and some asthma medications stimulate sweat production.
10.Consult doctor: If your body odor is awful and smells like beer or ammonia, there is a problem Consult your doctor immediately for relief.