Skoda says that they are best in technology and I am surprised to see skoda selecting a worst supplier for their tyres they are no one else "APOLLO" .
In my case the almost week over after it was new from showroom and my car was standing in my house I heard a noise then I saw the tyre was punchered and took the tyre to showroom and asked o check and give me a fedback the appollo tyre person leaset bothered to see my tyre and sent me report that the the tyre is damaged and I was quite unhappy and askd for the report then he gave me stating the typre is damaged by external partical or low air pressure which is the report stated and iasked the dealer they said the do the same for all customer they dont see the tyre but they give the same report which is the standard report for all people , in my case the people dint not see my tyre but the gave the report " AND THE REPRESENTATIVE SAID THAT YOU CANNOT GET THE REPLACEMENT EVEN IT IS POOR TYRE QUALITY I W ILL NOT GIVE ANY OF MY BOSSES NUMBER YOU DO HAT EVER YOU LIKE AND FINALY HE SAID BULL ____ " and spoke with skoda people in bengaluru for thius to be sorted out and they asked me to send the mail and I did the same what they have asked me to do and thet did mot reply for 15 days then I called them they said because the representative has behaved such a way to you skoda will ask appollo to giv the tyre to you , and he kept quite for 2 days then I called him for tyre he says why should e give tyre go ask appollo so I am very my upset over skods and appollo and henth for th I will not buy skoda vehicle were I already hold Skoda superb now I released appollo tyres are much worser than cycle tyres and donot buy any vehicl from skoda because all the others suppliers will be appollo and no point in taking th vehicle saying german technology pleas do not go skoda vehicles because as every one know that vehicl production of skoda vehicles are less I say only because of this people do not go for skoda I hate skoda better go for indian brands were you will gt respect and good service.