Worst car and worst service network. We had bought fabia on feb 2012 in firm name neera trading company . The fittings and accessories used in fabia are totally sub standard ... You can compare it with some locally made up road side vendor type products used in the car.
In the luggage compartment there is two small loops which handles the luggage rack got broken (being sub quality sub standard product ) when company was contacted for replacement the service center staff were so rude and unprofessional that they denied repairing the same
Instead of replacing the part they glued the knobs with some sticky lotion( which even gave spots to the interiors), the glues knobs couldnt handle the cover and again they broke,
My question is why doesnt the company replace the part when it got broken in gaurantee period ,
Why should they glue the loops , if that was the case why one should buy a second hand glued and repaired car instead of buying a new car.