Hey all!
This is sunil again signing in from Hyderabad!
Why do u all praise this vehicle as if there is no other vehicle in india !
Believe me a car that powerful with a turbo charger and 1800 cc shld be equal or much powerful than a 180cc pulsar am I right !
But all of u guys who own a pulsar 180 cc dtsi ( good conditioned ) take ur bike and keep it nxt to a rs and tell him to put a small drag till the nxt signal, straight road, dont be scared ur bike will go
0 - 60 in 3.9 to 4.0 sec max !
I bet that u will be in lead and try not to exceed 7 rpm in the first gear and and maintain fast gearing till 4th maintain 7 rpm in each gear ull be leading after 80 the car will cross you, dont worry till 80 ur the king anyway.
Just let him go till then his mileage would have been dicreased by 40 %. But hey I am not disappointing that car is the best but one of the best not the best !
Just drive a 3.0 v6 then tell me, I know that this car is not under the 1, 8 cat but all of you r telling that Skaoda is the best. Just try this car the only thing in ths 3.0 is the wings, I bet it will touch 270 kmph and 150 easily, and the sleek looks !
Coming to the Corolla it is the king in 1.8 segment !
You can bring the 1.6 zxi into this bcoz it has a lil bit of josh in it ! and Optra is not that good. The Ikon has tremondous power in 2nd gear !
Ok coming back to the rs thing, one of member from mouthshut has thrown a 10lkh cash prize ! plzzzz dont make me laugh ! and he told any car under 1 crore ! he forgot that bentley has come to india and can pull the rajdhani with its tremondous engine ! Hey edit ur review brother , ok back to the point !
An rs can beat a 2.0 segment bcoz it has been fitted with a turbo ! Hey in India u dont need top speed u need initial pick up and a good control to rev up in traffic thats all u need to see ur opponent in ur rear mirror, and hey I dont comment superb bcoz it is an excellent car !
Hmmm my bike beat an Ikon 1.6 zxi till 95 ! then zippp he passed me, he touched 160 and then slowed down, I could go 125 in my bike, check out a video in google type yamaha r1 vs gt supra Both the machines r powerful, I dont need to tell u anything abt supra .. u can see fast and furious to know more .
Ok coming to the race the car is quipped with 487 bhp and 3.5 engine twin turbo with all sports gadgets and a nitro. Yamaha r1 has 3 times the intial pick up of a supra so it was in lead but the car put on his nitro and crossed him. Yamaha r1 top speed was 240, and the cars speed was 310. You can download the video !
Okay guys hope u conclude what is best and what is good. I recommend u the car but I ll put a *I dont know why !
Okay plzz coment on this so that I can add more ! Indian devil signing off !