I drove my beloved Maruti Swift for 5 years and it was time for a Sedan. After reading various reviews and test drives finally narrowed on Skoda Rapid TDI Elegance (What looked to be a promising launch by Skoda).
The black beauty was delivered on 7 March 2012. We all just loved the vehicle.
But, the joy didnt last long, end of April I have noticed that all of a sudden the right rear wheel is out of alignment and took it to service center on 2nd May. The guys at service center had no clue of what could be the reason behind it; they inspected the vehicle for 2 hours and replied that Skoda technical team will have to check the vehicle further, since there was no evidence of an impact and it looked like the rear axel is bent.
There starts my bad fortune, after numerous follow ups with Skoda India Customer Care on 22nd May, I received the below from Soda India Customer care head, Bangalore
"Thanks for your mail.
We sincerely regret for the inconvenience caused to you, We had taken up the concern with Skoda technical team and understand that the type of damages occurred in your vehicle is due to transfer of sudden shock forces directly to the suspension components via wheels while travelling on very rough roads at considerable speed, means these momentary sudden forces directly travels to the suspension components without damaging the road wheels. So, on technical point of view, these concerns can’t be considered as manufacturing defect and does not fall under the purview of warranty/goodwill, Hence we suggest you for claiming through vehicle insurance.
N.Seshathri | Customer Care "
I was surprised to note their quote “while travelling on very rough roads at considerable speed”, and I was left unanswered when asked Skoda for explanation of what this actually means. I am neither a competitive racer nor that I have driven car in high speeds on bad roads. Imagine someone driving a new car which is worth 11.5 lakhs on bad rods and high speeds!!!! I am a family man and most of the time we travel together (including my 2 year son).
Anyhow, I have written to Skoda executives and not response yet, when called Customer care head, he informs that they will stand by the investigation by their technical team (whether it is right or wrong). But when asked to prove the statement he was left with no answer. Now, I am advised to claim the expenses under insurance and told that, dealer will help you claim insurance (They can nicely narrate a forged story, since to claim the insurance there are no evidence of an accident, not even a scratch on the vehicle!!!)
Now this raises many questions in my mind, does this mean Indian roads conditions are not suitable for Skoda Rapid? What is the guaranty of this parts being intact once it is repaired? Does this mean the Rapid can only be run in slow speeds and only on highways?
I also came across to some news from the service center that same problem existed in Octavia as well.
I deeply regret my decision of buying a Skoda Rapid spending 11.5 lakhs of my hard earned money and receive such pathetic customer services. The Quality Skoda offers was not seen at all.