We bought the new Skoda superb 3.6 FSI from GiriRaj Motors, Gurgaon, the best vehicle, according to Skoda that they have ever made, in May this year. We were so excited to finally get our hand on the Skoda Superb, after waiting for so long. We had a lot of expectations as it had cost us heavily; we were all charged up and were in high spirits for this tryst with this dream machine.
Initially for about three months it ran smooth, although with some minor hiccups, but one day in August the Skoda vehicle stopped in the middle of the road while crossing a small water logging on the busiest roads of Gurgaon, the road near the Golf Course. The car just stopped on the road where huge traffic was passing alongside.
As the car was just three month old we did not wish to meddle with it and hence immediately informed the Skoda Authorized Service Station which brought a recovery vehicle and the vehicle was transported to the Skoda service center. We have got the suggestion from the service center now, that the engine of the Skoda vehicle has extensive damages and the same has to be replaced. The approximate expenditure would be approximately 11.5 Lacs. They say that the damage is due to water logging and hence cannot be covered under warranty. Imagine 11.5 Lacs in repair of a vehicle brought for 28Lacs within 3 Months, isn’t it ridiculous?
We approached the authorities at Skoda, its regional Head after sales, to tell him the story and solicit some support, but in vein, as he refused saying that the same cannot be covered under warranty as the vehicle was plying in the water logged on the road. We have written back to him saying that this Skoda vehicle was purchased just 3 months back, was being driven by a driver who is driving the automatic vehicles since more than 5 Years, and the vehicle was not the only one going through the water on the road, there were several other vehicles waiting behind to cross and crossing along side. This only indicates that this vehicle “Superb” has some manufacturing defect otherwise why have the other vehicles not reported the same problem? But we are sure he will not revert. I must mention here that we have tried reaching the officials of Skoda but they have not paid heeds to our efforts. They have been indifferent to us, their latest customers, who have joined them just 3 months back.
I would say that the vehicle Superb is not meant for Indian roads. Looking into Indian conditions in rainy season, and sometimes otherwise as well, you cannot avoid crossing over a bit of water logging, that’s normal in India. If the vehicle cannot withstand these conditions then why was it introduced on Indian roads?
While the vehicle with its engine dismantled is lying at the Service Center, we would solicit your suggestions as to what should be done in this situation as also alarm the prospective buyers of Superb against such disaster and also the un-empathetic attitude of the Skoda authorities towards their customers.
Kunwer Sachdev
Managing Director, Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd