The Yeti, when it came, was quite like that boy - a
peculiar looking thing. Im not obsessed with
discussing the nuances of design in detail, but I
can tell an outright ugly form from a distinct, but
interesting, design. For me, if you like the look of a
car, its attractive enough - no point discussing the
curves along the sheet metal, or the way the
bumpers are designed and if the grille section has
a make-me-happysmiling design going for it.
The twin-head-lamp design was an unmistakable
design element and the overall shape was really
striking. There were people who disliked the way it
looked - the hatch was just too flat and it didnt go
down as aproper SUV shape for many. As I
mentioned before - I really liked it, and those who
didnt, I think, are just removed from the concept of
fun and outlandish. The erstwhile Yeti had a crisp
shape and very tight dimensions - perfect size for
a nuclear family; it was a fine product, too.
Now, theres anew Yeti