SKullcandy earphones give you prodigious Bass. All the way. If youre a big EDM/Dubstep fan like me, undoubtedly go for it.
Relatively affordable compared to Seinheiser, Beats by Dre(Youd have to be Bill Gates to afford these)
Impeccable sound quality in both ears. Tempered.
The Bass is outstanding. Just close your eyes and feel earthquakes as the bass drops.
Durable. Doesnt get damaged easily. Ive had my earphones mushed, sat on, pulled with force, on overcrowded Mumbai trains during peak hours. Still came out ok.
Short life. In the sense that, after 8-10 months, the sound in one ear gets diminished for whatever reason. So, that becomes a nuisance.
Not a particular match for Metal, Rock, or other core genres. This can be overcome by using a sound music player like PowerAmp, and accordingly tweaking the equalized settings, which is one the best imo.
No mic. Now Im just nitpicking.
Verdict is definitely go for it, if youre constrained in your budget. Great value for money. Mine lost the sound in the left ear after 8 months, yours could be longer. Check for the reviews in Amazon. Or else, the obvious choice, Seinheiser. Though I do not have first hand knowledge of the same.