October 2002: My birthday. My wonderful husband got me 2 tickets for... SKYDIVING! I was excited, to say the least. However being in Massachusetts, I would have to wait for better climes before I jumped off a plane. That gave me about 7 months to mull over it & realize the consequences of this extremely scary sport.
May 2003: By now, 7 months later, I was having nightmares. How could I willingly throw myself out of a plane. What happens if the parachute doesnt open? What if the instructor that you jump with faints? What if...? You get the picture!
I had already scheduled a dive for me & my hubby for 18th May (our 3rd anniversary). Like we told our friends, who asked us how we could do it, Weve been married for 3 years.! :)
I called a week before D-Day and cancelled my appointment. Ive chickened out, I told the lady over the phone.
Oh no! You are missing out! Anyway come over and Im sure we can accommodate you if you change your mind.
Well the day dawned bright and sunny. A beautiful Spring day, a beautiful day to be alive or to be dead! My black humor didnt help much that day, I assure you.
Somehow when we got to Northampton, MA something in me changed & I decided to do it.
Do you want pictures and video taken?, the lady asked us.
It would be nice for my near and dear ones to see the final moments of my life, after Im dead., I told her.
No talk of death! Its normal to be scared, but you wont die!.
Oh really? Then how come I just signed a waiver saying that I wont sue them if I do?
Anyway, three hours later. I was all dressed up in the jump suit, with the harness and altimeter attached to me. The tiny plane could barely fit me, my instructor & my photographer.
Do they design these planes such that you actually feel claustrophobic and want to jump off? Hmmm...
We climbed to a 1000 feet. I was numb by then. All I could think was, were going to be at almost 10 times this height!
At 8000 feet we began to get ready. My instructor attached himself to my harness. The pilot opened the door and I could see the Earth... far far away.
Remember to look at the camera, said my instructor.
My photographer climbed onto the wing of the plane and waited for us to jump.
We crawled towards the door and got into position.
No way was I going to jump, I thought to myself as I saw the teeny tiny trees and houses from the plane.
Next thing I heard was, Ready, Steady..
And then whoooosh! I was out! All I could do was stare dumbfounded at the Earth.
I should have been scared, but I wasnt. All I felt was peace and calm, and also my instructor tapping my chin to look UP at the camera!
We had a free fall for about 30 seconds and then he pulled the cord for the parachute.
From then on it was like floating down towards the Earth.
Its quiet and peaceful up there.
Weve decided to make this an annual anniversary tradition!
Do it, you will never ever regret it!