Skype is a good application use to communication with the friends and the relatives.Through the Skype we can also call to our friends and relative.It has not much feature like which is available in the facebook but still it is the most usable for the calling purpose or to send the text message to the friends. In most of the IT businesses this skype app is used to send the message or usually taking with the clients this mode is used to send the message.
The good feature of this is Group video call. which is very nice facility I can say.In the business through the skype the different presentations are given.This is the best use in the businesses.The services are also good which is provided by the SKYPE. So we all must use the skype app to as a workable thing as well as personal level.
We can create account on the skype free of cost and we can send instant messages to our friends.Overall if I say about the services of skype that is good.Sometime it is take time to load otherwise it is good to use.