Why i called money centric, unfriendly SLICE money lending company as state bank of slice, youll know after reading few lines below
First this SLICK will give you free credit limit, and provide offers like 3 months no cost emi, food offers etc., Obviously we use it for the sake of offers.
Lets talk in 2 scenarios how they are making money
Customer used credit and paid on time, right no issues no calls nothing BUT you installed their app and This SLICK company uses your entire contacts, messages, logs etc in your phone for their purposes, they make money out of data. Try removing permissions and open the app it doesnt works
If somone doesnt pay their dues, here comes the rowdism starts,
a. First theyll do system generated automatic calls
b. Second multiple people from multiple languages calls your for money and remember they dont even speak a single word in a polite way after using 3 yrs i have experienced this
c. Threatening that theyll send an agent to your address
d. Accessing your contacts as you have installed their app, theyll first call to your father mother brother contacts just how you save them in your phone mom, dad, pappa etc theyll blindly calls and tells them to pay the money
Although above activities are illegal, we have not seen any bank doing this but these guys are doing openly because no ones doing anything about it
Why state bank of slice, they act like govt owned company, if you lost your card they cant give you new one, limit reduces on thier preferences, if you want to delete the account also taking lot of time acting like a typical govt employee.
Some people might say that if you pay on time you dont need to worry, boss you need to worry
They have access to your contacts and messages they might br selling your data to someone, and wait one day something happens to you and havent paid the due for one month then youll know the pain they give you, the emotional pain to you and family,
Stay away from slice
Go with only bank credit cards