This was eminems second album release following the unsucsessfulinfinite.The slim shady LP is without Doubt a work of art which you will listen to for years to come.The album was the lauch pad for his glitering career.We forget that he has only been around a few years, because it seems like hes been around for ever.
This album has everything a rap album needs including brilliant lyrics and excellent songs.The album has the hit singles my name is and guilty conseince along with many other wonderful songs which havent but should have been released such as Role Model and Brain Damaged.
Eminem had many rappers who he looked up when he first started out including Wu-Tan-Clan and Dr dre and he sounds a lot like them on many tracks.On this album he features with Dr dre and raps about many of his personal expeiences of when he was young and about drugs and his wife.He says that this album shows people what America is really like(if we dont already know enough of the likes of Jerry Springer).
An album collection cant be complete without this album.It has excellent illustration on the cover and on the disk itself and despite the swearing on this album it is a must buy.
There are many tracks on this album such as Brain Damaged and Bonnie and Clyde which I belive could have been a bigger sucsess then many of his other songs.The album has 18 tracks on all together unless you get the special edition which has a few more on where he freestyles, the special edition also has videos on the second disk to run on your computer.
You must buy this album!!