One thing seems to be sure. Films made, whether its from India, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Portugal, Brazil or wherever which get nominated for Oscars, which come in "Foreign Film Category"have main topics in common "pity - poverty - crime - deaths - cheats - broken winged aspirations". I think some exceptions would be "Majeed Majeedi and Kurazova".
Anyway lets leave it, but does the movie remind any theme from "City of god"? Not sure. See for yourself.Anyway Danny Boyle is sure to be appreciated for his film though especially because he has understood "India" so well especially the exploitation, child labor and cruelty against them and he deserves a pat for featuring those through a movie and that too in a touching manner.Good work Boyle!
Dev Patel(Jamaal), Pinto(Latika) dont present any "newcomer difficulties" anywhere in the movie.Anil Kapoor on the other side has nothing much to do other than acting like a game host. Irfan Khan - the stylish subtler gives re(a)el life to the cop role assigned to him and Saurabh Shukla represents a true image of a podgy aamchi mumbai constable.
Its as if youve met some cops like this before.Great actors, even though through small roles.And last, but not least all the beautiful children! Oh, they were so superb in the movie.I feel ashamed of not remembering their names now. And about Rahman! Not trying to sound arrogant(keeping in mind that he is one of the the greatest musicians alive), but still I didnt feel any music worth an "Oscar"!!. "Jai ho" is a good song, but not a magical one. Saaya is also good.
The theme "Liquid dance" rocks.It reminds me of the "Rangeela theme".It suits the intense situations of the movie.Anyway Kudos to him for the apt background music. Finally, "Slumdog millionaire" derived from a good idea and story line is an emotional drama - an ordinary story told in an extra-ordinary way.
I think if this movie was made in Hindi and Ram Gopal Varma had directed it instead of Danny Boyle, it would have been one of the greatest crowd pullers in the history of Indian Cinema(thats just my thought okay??may sound foolish to you).I wish this movie gives a message to the youth and at least to a particular percent of Indian population who are running solely for just money and status like mad dogs. Let them realize that there are also some people who just dream of "being alive" the other day.