They cheated in all possible ways. As per govt instructions, maximum 10k only fees paid but as I dint know at that time, they continuously troubled and made me pay 55, 000rs. They promised they will double our capital in 45days time. If they are capable of doubling, why they are selling calls rather than trading themselves. after paying them, initially they gave calls that gave me small profits. Later every single call they gave was wrong. I lost more than 1.5 lakhs bcoz of them. I lost 1.5 lakhs and also usless fee of 50k to them. So totally I lost 2.0 lakhs bcoz of them. Everyday I lost minimum 15thousand rs. Please dont even attend their calls. One person named gurbinder called me. For one set of people they will ask to buy and another set of person, they will ask to sell. I borrowed money for this which im unable to repay and standing in debt. Please be aware of Indore call givers. Postive reviews are given by their company staffs itself.