Hi.guys I am sanjeev kumar from patna bihar today I am telling my experience or sharing my thought about loan app smart coin.every thing I told you about this app.first of all I am telling you about its concept .
Concept : - well. Guys smart coin app is a loan providing app where you can take loan via some documentation and details filling about profession and address proof etc. Its all about believing that your all document belong to you. So when you download you have to resigtered. It providing you starting at 1500 rs. For 7 days.with a huge amount taking as interest and processing feefor loan approval . If you are really aatracted to having money then you can apply yes surely it gives you loan at that time.
Layout and design. : - well guys layout and design of this app is little dissapointing where you will mot attract about it. All covers are yellow coloured and dark coloured . You know its name is smart coin that why you will see some coins with its logo.it available on google play store. Its about 13 mb easily downloadable . So peace of mind you need to think its interest rate and terms and condition about its contract and all that whatever they need is you have to take .i will give it 4 out of 10 for its design and layout it has 3 pages for form filling and applying loan . It takes 24 hour after they called you for verification that you are a right person or not and also eligible for loan or not.
Feature and function : - well guys feature of its app is you know what what I told above in statement surely are all of that so take chill and know I am telling you how to take loan via this app . So guys you have to resigtered with your phone no which is given in your bank account and link with your aadhar card .after resigtering you will see 2 pages form filling where you have to upload aadhar card pancard and address and etc as form querry. After that they will verify your document in 4 hour under then when you will approve by admin they you have to choose amount and days . Repay I think only 15 days thwy give for repay other wise you have to penalty fees.
Usefullness: - it is quite use full I think because interest rate is very high for very minimum time or days some time only for 7 days some times only for 15 days if you will take huge amuolny then you will take sone extra time like 1 month and above but not enough. So little good not very good and ya not bad also.not available in every state I think so . Not enough app for loan .thanku guys I hope you wil satisfying with it.