I have been trading intraday in index options for 10 years. For confirmation, I tried SMC Globals premium Telegram channel (after listening to his interview with Pushkar , Raj Thakur here: https://youtu.be/8pJ8rn1nhmg).
After 3 months of using their service, I can confirm that their trade recommendations are completely fraudulent. Most of their calls purely to make you take ans hold a position to a sure Stop Loss. It happens almost 70-80 % of the time. They consistently give loss making calls and once you detect that it is going bad, they keep sending messagea like "This is a stop loss hunt, please do not exit, adjust your SL". They do this to ensure you dont exit till their intended target is achieved (through your confirmed SL). Then they give a flimsy reason that "pcr data changed, SL hit".
This happens really consistently and their bad intention of profiting from your loss (not just their incompetence) is visible after a while.
I would strongly recommend to never, ever buy their Telegram channel premium service.