This case is about their Viman Nagar, Pune outlet.
I dont like the concept of home delivery of Pizza. You get cold and stiff one, which is not eatable at all.
Even delivery time is not known, just forget their order-taking commitments.
They have a long list of execuses to cover up that.
They flaunt the terms as there is no check on these faulty business or individuals.
I got my cold & stiff pizzas(awesome!) delivered after 2 hours at 10.30 PM.
They dont pick your call, once order is taken. you will hear engaged or ringing tone. They never bother to inform the delay. In fact they should ask the customers that whether you will accept the delivery after 2 hours or 10 PM?
So the basics of service quality & standards are missing.
All legal battles invite attention, cost & time.
Since customers are un-organized, very few come forward and the sellers take the undue advantage.
Are we a helpless bunch in the hands of cheater-marketeers?
Once bitten, twice shy, no please revise this to "million time shy."