Well, its really happy news for wap users like me that lots of Cool creative and innovative sites are coming up nowadays. One of them I found was https://sMsDuBBa.mobi .
Its a unique site made for sharing of Short sMs Jokes. Here You can find 1000s of sMs or TxT jokes, canned in different categories like Friendship, Love, Miss You, Adult, School, Poor Jokes, Funny etc, to share with ur friends and family.
One of the most special feature I liked is the design and lay out of the site. The site looks awesome on Mobile Screens as well as on PC. You can Forward the sMs Joke in One Click (Works in Sony Ericsson and Nokia Symbian Phones only as far as I know) or Copy the sMs using Copy/Paste on Phone.
A really good idea. Well I would suggest the owners to bring in some new cool features like signing up, community, sharing pictures, profiles etc on this site. It will help sMs Lovers get together and would be graet fun!
Thats all with the review.Yes this wapsite is a must visit!All the best to the makers of this site from my side. And we are expecting more of such sites from u instead of same old booring downloads sites!