I am a 19 year old fitness freak.
Firstly, this gym should be given 0 stars and not 1 star. No option to do that.
This gym is not 247. Its just a marketing gimmick on the boards.
The equipment is not world class. Even a 3rd rate gym will have it.
The trainers are poor. There is one trainer named PRADEEP in Koramangala branch( moron is what I would like to call him. Im that pissed) . Initially when I joined he taught me a few exercises for chest, biceps, triceps and stuff and then after a week, I had to go and beg him at the counter to come and explain how to do the exercises(even after which he didnt explain). Mr. Moron is all smiles and will follow you like a dog if you take personal training
(how much is it? 500 rupees.yes you read it right.500 rs per session) Dress like a girl and surely you have Mr. Moron at the click of your fingers. So what do I do to beat this indifference? I just go run on the treadmill, work on the cross trainer and come back. And he never even cares. For weight training I need Mr. Fing Morons help and hell insist that I take personal training. Again dead end.
The sales girl a.k.a manager will talk you into it becoming a member, dont get deceived. There are many other better gyms in bangalore. She told me a dietician will explain my diet, a nutrisionist will explain what I should eat. Its been two months since I joined and both of them never seem to be even there. It was just another marketing gimmick.
I paid 5.6k for 4months. And that gate pass cannot even register my initials. Even that is screwed up. Ha ha
The weight training area is so crowded, is so crowded that I cant even get inside. The small table on which we do the training(for seated exercises), there are only 3 ofem and all are taken all the time. I never ever get to use the dumbells. And usually when I enter all the 4 cross trainers will be full and all the treadmills and cycles will be full. I have to wait for 10 15mins and grab on to one ofem like a dog catches a bone.(please dont tend to think that, since these are full - the gym is very good, people come for 1 or two months and then leave it, and there are many people like this)
I did a very big mistake and wasted my fathers money.
I am just waiting for these 2 months to get over and Ill say bye bye to Snap fing fitness and Mr. Moron