VERY BAD EXPERIENCE..I HAD A TENDON INJURY ON SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM..its been so painful since A MONTH undergoing treatment since 25 days ..still not sure when I can use my right arm freely :((
I CANNOT USE MY RIGHT HAND much!forget abt lifting it up.
THE TRAINERS of snap fitness Indirangar GAVE ME A CARD with MANY EXERCISES mentioned on it WHICH ARENT NEEDED at all !!
i am not at all fat and I told them that I have been doing yoga and gmying for the first time and I DONT WANT TO BE SLIM...(I hate being slim in fact). I just want my body to be TONED.
FOR that they gave me huge amt of lecture..u shud reduce etc( as if I am an actress or a model) and pay us 6k and we will personally train u, which I never agreed to .
I referred for this with the THE CONSULTANT (ORTHO DOCTOR- sports specialist) - OF A FAMOUS HOSPITAL, he said u dont need all these exercises and seems the physio/trainers/fitness managers dont have proper knowledge!!
The trainers/fitness manager might be good for men but they literally have no knowledge abt what kinda exercises a girls body needs. They forced me to lift weights which i said I am not able to lift.
I am repenting as I paid in advance for 3 months girls/women! I would suggest u not to join snap fitness ..!