It, s completely worst online shopping experience I have ever had & I have to think thousand times before ordering any product from online. The reason I am using such a hard word is, Just few days back I have bought three items together(mobile charger & 2 no`s of flip cover) & all three products were not up to the mark. Then after registered my complaint delivery guy collected one of the stuff back within 48 hours with the exchange commitment within 48 hours but still I am waiting, it`s already more than 5 days. Then 1 more complaint I have registered regarding mobile charger just few hours later after I have received the product, Actually charger was not working properly, It is able to recharge only 15 to 20 percent of battery after using 4 to 5 hours time to recharging the mobile, & When I have complaint about the matter to customer care executive, They are telling that they can not help me out since it`s electronic product they are completely helpless. & here is my request to snapdeal management,