I ordered Samsung Note-2 from snapdeal, order number: 921319310, estimated dispatch date was 29th March, but till 2nd April, its not dispatched, and to my surprise no communication from snapdeal for the delay through either SMS/email.
I called up customer care 3 times, every time I get to hear "I Apologize, sorry for the delay", may be executives sitting there are used to saying these words. I didnt get any solution, on the contrary the executive (Ravi) was suggesting me an alternate product (this is the height of customer service, if u cannot deliver a product, why do u take the order.. Cr*p guys).
He suggested me to wait for another 24-48 hrs and cancel the order, I cannot blame the customer executive entirely because he did not have any information on product availability, poor chap...Now I am confused, whether to wait for 2 more days or to cancel the order, as I have paid the entire amount, and snapdeal will take about 2-weeks for refund of money.