I ordered a Xiomi Mi4i mobile phone.It got delivered two days back.Today I found the screen display started flickering.I initiated the Return process.After that I got a call from your side saying that a technician will be sent to repair your phone!
How could you expect your customer to use a newly bought phone worth 12000 after getting repaired! It was a very shameful act performed by your company. I asked the person that I dont want to use a repaired phone which I have just bought and paid 12000 bucks! He said that in any case a technician will be sent to verify.If you are so doubtful if your customer is telling the truth, you should have mentioned it clearly in the refund policy that Return is a very lengthy process! First we will send a technician to verify if you are telling the truth.If the technician finds the defect, then only the refund process will be approved.( As in my case, my screen display flickers only sometimes.
So cant guarantee if it will, when the technician checks) .After that another person will come to collect your defective mobile.Then after around 7-10 days you will get your money back! Really! You should remove that Easy Return tag from your website! Well, I request you to kindly initiate the return process by tomorrow anyhow and return my money back.Or else, I will have to take a serious action.In any case if the technician will not be able to identify the defect, I will send you the video of the screen flickering. I hope my concern will be raised and will be satisfied