I have been surfing different online sites since last year for different car floor mats and all sites have several price list for the same, but at last I found it in Snapdeal where the price is bit low rather than other sites and the price listed is Rs 300/- for four mats. I have previously heard that snapdeal has many issues regarding trusty products but still decided to order it as their site design and comfortable surfing makes some mind change into me. After all I have booked the product and the product is supposed to reach me within 7-8 days in my area. But I have to wait for long 15 days to receive the same.
At last my order has been dispatched to my home I was very disappointed for the late delivery but when watched the mats I felt cool as the product they have sent to me in this low price is not available in the market. When I collected information in the market for the same product it was charged Rs 700/-, I was astonished that how could snapdeal give this type of deal.
Really product is very good in that price which is surely not available in market. So may they have delivered it lately but given genuine product. So this site is good for shopping genuine products. Any body can have trust over their products.