There were two instances that have made me stop even considering buying anything from Snapdeal.
The first one was when I had ordered a pair of flip flops. The product arrived as per schedule one evening and I tried it on and it felt okay but not real comfortable. But when I wore it the next day, one of my friends looked at it and remarked that they were not the same size. And sure enough, on closer examination, I realised that one of them was a size bigger than the other and that was the reason I didnt feel all that comfortable. So I had to go through the whole process of re-booking the product and wait for Snapdeal to verify and reimburse. Well that came through after a week or so.
The second instance was even more appalling. While browsing for a smart phone for my wife, I came across a huge discount, almost to the tune of 50%, being offered by Snapdeal on Sony Experia. After going through all the specs and reviews posted on their website, I ordered the phone and paid through my debit card, an amount close to Rs.7000.00 and waited expectantly for the phone to arrive. There would be email updates and text messages regarding the order being placed and the dispatch etc. And sure enough, after about ten days, I came back home one evening and found a packet from Snapdeal. Just the size of the packing made me realise that something was not right. So rather hesitatingly, I opened the packing, taking care not to spoil anything. Then to my utter horror and disbelief, I find a "Selfie-stick" instead of the Sony Experia phone. I cannot tell you what my feelings were at that time. And from that moment onward started my two week ordeal with Snapdeal.
There were phone calls, text messages, emails between me and Snapdeal to sort out the matter. And there came a time when I told Snapdeal that they either send me what I had ordered or reimburse and that I would not correspond with them anymore. I guess they finally realised the goof-up and reimbursed the amount.
These two experiences have left a bitter taste in my mouth towards Snapdeal and the reason why I just dont consider them for any online business.