I have ordered an item Order ID: 5501851105(1 Item) Placed on Thu, 26 Mar, 2015 Product name "Java - Java Programming for Beginners!(e-Certificate course"
It has been 20 days now, Still I havent received my product. When I tracked the delivery in their website it is showing "product delivered at 11.59 pm"(I am still thinking is there any courier service that will deliver a product to the end user or customer at midnight). Just check the attached image
The real pain begin here, when you call the customer care. Those dummy fellows will listen to your softly, and give you a ticket number and say "you will receive a call from customer care with in 1 or 2 working days and they will resolve your issue". You will feel happy and wait for 2 days. If there is some luck, you will receive a call at any time of the day
Beware that you have to keep your mobile with you even you went for toilet, because if you miss to lift the call, you have to call the customer care again and began the process from starting.
After waiting 5 days and repeating the above process 2 times, I tied my mobile to my belly waiting for the snapdeal customer care call, finally I picked up "Those idiots again asked the problem, Again explained the problem patiently with hope of positive solution from their end, Suddenly they told "Sorry for the inconvenience, Your issue is escalated to next level, You will receive a call within 24 hours, Our next level team will resolve the issue". After waiting again for 24 hours I called customer care and asked about my product. Again they escalated my issue to next level and so on.Now I am in 10th level, Its been 20 days now.
Remember these points always when decided to purchase on this website
- Do not purchase big discount products, They will not deliver you, But will show you product delivered status.Purchasing Any product between this range is very dangerous Rs.100 to Rs.1000. Successful delivery of the product is purely luck factor. I am not sure about products cost above this range
in case you if your product is not delivered to you, Do not call the customer care, You will waste your phone balance and energy, They are just pumpkins.they dont know anything. Their duty is just to record your problem every time. They will escalate your problem to various levels like a candy crush game
Dont Believe their "trust pay". Customer care people are well trained to tell you this word always "Your money is safe with snapdeal trust pay". When you dont receive your order, thats the end of your story. Simply ignoring them will be the best option, Other wise you will spoil your health
Finally I am ignoring my order, I dont have any hope my product will return. I will assume I have donated my money to the begging services of snapdeal
This is my real pain with snapdeal. I suggest everyone think before you purchase at snapdeal.