This review for those people who wants to think to do shopping on snapdeal if you think to do so first read this review I also do this mistake 3 times and now present beore 8 days I also give new order but till now my order is not come and before this 3 times they not give my order and said the product is out of stock and when I ask for money so give me so long time to give my money and said sir if you intrested in another product so tell us we will order those product always cheat customer and customer care services has no manner how to talk a customer
first time I order a puma flip fllop I pay for fast deleivery also but they not give my order
second time I order my shirt its mufti shirt when I order that shirt it is in stock and after 6 day of order I call customer care then he said sir your order is out of stock
third time I order cell phone then they give deleivery on my house door and after I open the box the cellphone is changed I mean those cell phone I order this cellphone is totally differebt as compare to that
now currently on 21 jan I order but till now my order deleivery is not come and tracking number show your order is out for deleivery all of you tell me how can I beleive on this tupid mistakes and snapdeal u bustard the owner is mad person they not listen the customer problem how can they cheat us for cash back they give a one month time and customer care have no manner how talk to customer all are foolish person in snapdeal I dont beleive that why snapdeal owner or manager are not taken any action against that type of complain why they dont control this type of complaining every 3rd person is complain like me snapdeal are good in quality but the are not reliable for his services and they have not accept hi mistake no sorry nothing behalf like customer do all thing wrong and behave like inocent
please I request never shop by snapdeal u choose amazon flipkart anything etc but never go for snapdeal they only cheated with customer nothing else they make fool of customer
because the manager or owner is also foolish person because the manager work is how to manage but in this management is absence so please never give the chance to snapdeal to make you fool