I am a usual customer of a Snapdeal. brought many things from the snapdeal.com .the overall process of Snapdeal is very good like shipping time but the main problem is of packaging.and contact
Last time I brought 2 facial cream for my grandmother and they shipped the cream inside normal carry bags. It was looking very bad and the carry bags were not in good condition. Then I have to buy a separate Card board box for packaging and gifting it to my grandmother.
The another great experience experience with SnapDeal was that I ordered a antivirus for my PC worth rupees 500 but they send me a antivirus of worth rupees 900. I was not willing to get that antivirus because that was not the one that I want. I contacted Snapdeal customer service and tell them problem .they said that they will provide a quick courier replacement service for me within 7 days and I should keep my antivirus package ready to ship back to Snapdeal. but unfortunately neither a courier boy came and neither there was a call from the Snapdeal for a month. Then I have started using that product and after 1 and half month I get called from Snapdeal that youre willing to replace your order. Its sound funny but that happened to me:D