I have mixed opinions about snapdeal. I had 2 splendid orders, but one huge disappointment. I never thought anyone could mess up with a Book order, but they did it.
Order no 908183804 placed on 14-Mar-2013 with Estimated Shipping Date: Mar 21, 2013, was finally canceled on 3-Apr-2013 from Snapdeal.
There was no response from help@snapdeal.com with a firm commitment. Interaction with customer care through requests : 1813213 was going in circles. Lots of empty promises. Discussion with them looked very futile. I receive a message that it will be shipped as soon as possible, with an open timeline. This is horrible.
I made the mistake of not taking COD, but paid through Credit card.. atleast I wouldnt have parted with my money.
I had 2 splendid deliveries, but one huge disappointment; which is enough to mess it up.
On 3-Apr-2013, my order on 14-Mar for a book was cancelled stating resourcing/procurement issues. I am also asked to treat this incidence as an exception as Snapdeal constantly strives to provide the best of service for their valued customers.
By the way, it took 21 days to find out that a book is not in stock. And the best part is that the book is still listed in-stock the website as available to buy for other customers.
Something is terribly wrong, somewhere.
One possible reason could be that I had placed the order when the book was priced less. Now that the price is more, they simply canceled the order.
Anyways, I will now pick it elsewhere.
*Order date : 14-mar-2013
Promised shipment : 21-Mar-2013
Extended commitment : 27-Mar-2013
No committed response from 27-Mar-2013, and simply stalling around the issue.
Cancelled order from Snapdeal : 3-Apr-2013, after immense escalation.*
My advice would be to take COD, as it is much more controlled. And you can cancel the order if there are delays. If you pay-up like me, then it is tough to get status updates from them. And you are more stuck with it.