This is with regards to the purchase I have made from Snapdeal of a Samsung Galaxy SII from their website. The displayed product there shows a black color handset (only black color is displayed, no other colors are displayed). I place an order with them. I get the handset within 5 working days, which is good. But when I open the package, I get a white color handset. I call them up, they register the complaint no. 24839 and reply that someone would call me within 48 hours. But they did not get back.
On their website there is no choice of the color for the handset. So one would say that the same black color would be delivered. There is no mention of any conditions, where in the disposal of the product color would depend on the availability of the stock.
I have kept the handset packed the very next moment I saw that it was a white color handset and lodged a complaint with them. They give you the complaint number, but no email or sms is sent to confirm that the complaint has been registered and there is no way to track your complaints online except to call and check with them.
I call them up again and again with regards to the complaint, and finally today I get to speak with Dhanesh (Supervisor) at Snapdeal and he explains me that it depends on the availability of the stock.
Lodged complaint on the same day when the product was delivered, i.e. on 2nd Dec 2011 and I get connected to the Supervisor today, i.e., 7th Dec 2011 => 7 days (5 working days) just to get this information from their customer care, which makes you mad. I explain him that you advertise "What you see is what you get" and you show me a black handset on your site without any hint on the condition of stock availability, and send me a white handset. But he still sticks on to his point.
At first I told him that I would require a replacement. So he tells me that he will get back within 48 hours, and let me know whether the handset can be taken back. After calling them up again n again and then arguing with him, I was fed up and told him that I would like to cancel the order and I dont want to have this handset. And after I told him that "now I would like to cancel the order", he told me to call back after 48 hours.
This is what you get from snapdeal. I hope everybody reads this and be warned on the treatment you get from Snapdeal and their customer service.
My order id. is 232601986
I hope snapdeal does something about this.
Update 9th Dec 2011:
First of all quick response from snapdeal on mouthshut.
I get a call from Snapdeal after 2 hours 30 mins from the time of their posted reply (snapdeal told that someone would call me within 2 hours).
I spoke with Kawal he asked about the details of the product and asked me whether I can keep the white handset. I told him that I am not interested in the white handset at all.
I suggested that if they can pay me for exchanging the panels from white to black, instead of paying for pickup and again delivery. So he wanted to know the cost associated. So I checked with Samsung on the panels, which costs 7000 approx, which is not feasible. I updated Kawal, that this wont be possible as the cost is high and Snapdeal wont be interested in paying up that much amount for changing the panels, it would be good instead they have it collected and ship the black one.
So Kawal told that he will check with the product team and get back. But I have not received any updates from him with this regards. I called him up again, but he is not available and it seems no one is available from their team on weekends.
This is not at all good. I expected some action would be taken on resolving the issue immediately.
Update 20th Dec 2011:
Finally I got the mobile replaced. Thanks to Kaval from the Snapdeal middle management. But it sure took time to receive it. I received the replacement on 15th Dec, but I did not receive the bill. Today only I receive the bill via email, hence the final writeup from my side. But I had placed order on 27th Nov 2011 and received the mobile finally on 15th Dec. Want to be careful next time while placing orders, atleast take full information of the product before purchasing.
Thanks for, I am relieved with the issues I have faced with relailers and online websites..
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