Part I
My mail to help line for SNAPDEAL. hopefully you guys will learn from this and never make advance payments
Please do not mind if I have got the IDs marked in the CC incorrectly. I just hope that a customers plight is seen by someone responsible and not the incompetent staff which isSUPPOSED to deal with customers problems
Firstly on your website please do communicate to buyers the potential delivery time and not the shipped time, this is basically telling customers that you are absolving yourselves of all the responsibilities after the shipping, and customers who shop in good faith such as myself end up getting trapped
I have shopped on your website on the 24th of September for a washing machine with the order number: 2921292960.
The display on the website said that this will be shipped in one day after purchase, so my estimation was delivery even 4 days should ensure I am able to get this at home before the season’s festivities. So I shopped with faith in-fact making the complete payment by credit card and not opting for the hassle of cash on delivery, in retrospect one of the worst decision!
So the complaints started when the shipping of the product did not happen as promised and I mailed the customer care for which I received a prompt response of apology for the delay and promise to resolve the issue, well apology accepted and in good faith I waited for my washing machine.
All that happens next is nothing but wait from the 26th of Sep till the 1st of Oct and I still do not have any information of the delivery, the track order just shows status as “IN TRANSIT”
So I call the customer care number and speak to Karan about the delay and need for the delivery. Again profound apologies but no solution . I ask for an escalation and Speak to Asmi Neghi and after that Anjali and Anand who proclaimed one level above the rest!
I did not get anything but apologies and their “Understanding” of the problem. I was told due to the festivities the delay was obvious and I should understand this and wait! What for and why I should be responsible for their inordinate delay I fail to understand. Today on the 5th of Oct a good 9 days after paying the complete amount I am still waiting for my product!
What was more appalling was the reek of arrogance in all of the floor supervisors in handling my complaint. They were very clear “No Managers can answer customer calls or can call them back” they apparently do more important jobs and cannot be troubled for such trivial issues . This was the communication given out to me by Anand the floor supervisor in not so many words!
Comeon guys when the whole e-retailer business is the buzz word and players are fighting for space you are engaged in ensuring you drive away customers who are attempting to convert to E-shopping from retail? Pathetic! My request to cancel the order and refund my money was ofcourse denied and better yet was the suggestion given by Anand ….just refuse to accept the product when you finally get it sir! That is the only way it can be cancelled! WOW innovation at its best! Well this is going up on all social media that I can put it up on and all customer complaint forums just to tell the vast consumer market in India that while the e-retailer business is mopping up huge funds, the people handling the operations are still the same knuckle headed and incompetent parrots who can do nothing but tender apologies!
Part II
My only hope is that the team is prepared to handle the slew of complaints considering the sales recorded!
Update on my complaint!
Gentleman by name Joseph from the MD Escalation Desk calls me to apologise, (which of course is not a surprise as Snapdeal looks to be giving away apologies free along with the products!) He assures me that he will resolve my complaint which is having the washing machine delivered! WOW I should be finally delighted I suppose that such a highly placed person is able to intervene and get my product delivered after paying 100% of the cost and after a delay of 10 days and counting.
Asked as to who is going to bear the cost of the delay? We unfortunately Snapdeal does not have a compensation policy so basically no one except poor old me a loyal customer! How unfortunate. Mind you the staff is very understanding and knows the problems caused but cannot do anything! But wait the triumph card Mr. Joseph offers me a compensation of Rs 100/- as a credit in my account for my pain. So for a 34000/- washing machine and a 10 day delay I get 100 Rs. WOW delighted again
I only request can I speak to a "Manager" but unfortunately they are all busy and cannot be calling pained customers they are ensuring the company strategy of high sales are maintained I suppose
So well I am still waiting after all these mails and calls for my washing machine! WOW this experience gets better and better! Thank You Snap Deal I hope you have a wonderful season selling products and distributing apologies for free!